Join Sheetal Elangovan and Robert MacDonald for an IBA Friday! In this session, they discuss their key takeaways from Identiverse 2024.
1Kosmos Insights
A virtual collection of resources that show you how to achieve passwordless MFA with verified identity
Case Studiescase-studies
IBA Fridaysiba-friday
On-Demand Webinarswebinars
Solution Briefssolution-briefs
Zero Trustzero-trust
BlockID Customerblockid-customer
BlockID Verifyblockid-verify
BlockID Workforceblockid-workforce
Identity Evolution: Navigating the Digital Landscape with Andrew Hindle
When it comes to managing worker and customer authentication, most organizations struggle with a cobbled together infrastructure – genera...
Growth. Transformation. Can You Achieve Either Without Identity?
Meet Password (e2) – Hackers Love ‘Em
Meet Password (e1) – Password is Annoying
Unplugged Episode #15: Appless Driver’s License Verification
Passkey Perspectives: Navigating FIDO Alliance’s Journey with Megan Shamas
Join Sheetal Elangovan and Robert MacDonald for a IBA Friday session. In this episode, they introduce the 1Kosmos 1Key.
1Kosmos 1Key
Unplugged Episode #14: Service Desk Caller ID Verification for Workforce
RSA Conference Survival Guide
Join Robert MacDonald and special guest, Mike Engle, for IBA Friday. In this week's episode, they discuss remote caller identity verifica...
Remote Caller Identity Verification
Our Advantage
The 1Kosmos Credential Service Provider Advantage
The 1Kosmos privacy by design credential service modernizes ident...
Credential Service Provider (CSP)
In recent years, the rise of deepfake technology has introduced a new and concerning threat to online security. Deepfake videos, images, ...
The Promise of Biometric Authentication Versus the Threat of Deepfakes
Our Advantage
The 1Kosmos Advantage
1Kosmos remote caller verification takes the guesswork out of identity verification at the IT...
Remote Caller Verification for the IT Service Desk
Our Advantage
The 1Kosmos Adaptive Authentication Advantage
1Kosmos Adaptive Authentication evaluates multiple signals, such as t...
Adaptive Authentication
Phone scams, vishing and other identity-based attacks tricked around one-third of the US population in 2023, including service desk worke...
Unlocking the Power of Identity Verification
Unplugged Episode #13: Passwordless Login for Outlook
Federal, state and local government agencies are struggling to deliver citizens and residents contactless access to digital services and ...
Transforming Digital Government Services for Secure and Equitable Access
Identity Assurance
Join Sheetal Elangovan and Robert MacDonald for an IBA Friday session. In this episode, they discuss 1Kosmos adaptive authentication.
Adaptive Authentication
Our Advantage
The 1Kosmos 1Key Advantage
By design, 1Kosmos offers a comprehensive solution to address the challenges of effectiv...
User Privacy
Podcast: 1Kosmos Co-Founder Michael Engle Talks The Future Of IDM
Join Robert MacDonald and Sheetal Elangovan for an IBA Friday session! In this episode, they discuss the latest cyber breaches and what c...