European Identity and Cloud Conference 2023
Huzefa Olia:
Good morning, Robert. How are you?
Robert MacDonald:
I’m good Huzefa. How are you this morning?
Huzefa Olia:
Wonderful. I’m so excited about next week.
Robert MacDonald:
So am I.
Huzefa Olia:
We are going to be at the European Identity Conference in Berlin, which starts on May 9th and goes through May 12th. We will be at Booth 40, so we will have a presence there. Anybody can stop by, come and say hello, or if you just want to learn about 1Kosmos, stop by our booth. In addition to this, we are also hosting two sessions, one of the sessions is titled Utilizing Verifiable Credentials in the Workforce for Vendors and Contractors. This session is hosted by Mike Engle, our co-founder, our Chief Strategy Officer as well. This will be a very, very exciting session, primarily because how verifiable credentials can play in the workforce and his thoughts around it, along with live implementation that we’ve done. And the second session that we are providing is around Trends in Passwordless Authentication in Customer Identity and Access Management. Passwordless authentication has grown rapidly. The need for Passwordless is there in the market, but it’s primarily targeted on the workforce today. So we talk about how the customer identity and access management market is changing the passwordless access, and that would be another talk track, and I’m hosting that one.
Robert MacDonald:
So I know that I’m excited about a bunch of things. What are you excited about going to be there?
Huzefa Olia:
EIC or the European Identity Conference, in my opinion, is a premier identity conference, which is out there. It brings together the whole notion of how digital identity plays on the cloud with security as well. Very, very excited to see new emerging trends, which are going to be in the market for identity and digital identity in particular, as well as very excited to see our customers, partners and a few prospects as well.
Robert MacDonald:
Yeah, absolutely. I’m same boat. I always like going over and just listening to what’s going on in the market, how Kuppinger sees the world, just in general, where they see the market going. Plus, it’s always good to see new friends, old friends, just kind of catch up. We know that this industry is pretty small, so it’s always fun to catch up with people and then obviously talking to customers and potential prospects is also a lot of fun. So I’m looking very forward to it. Plus I’ve never been to Berlin, so I’m looking forward to that too.
Huzefa Olia:
There you go. And I’ll have a great company in Berlin with you.
Robert MacDonald:
That’s right, that’s right, that’s right. It is just going to be you and I. And you mentioned the booth earlier. We’re going to be at Booth 40 just for people that are coming by. When you do come by, we’ve got a great demo that we’d love to show you. It really illustrates what makes 1Kosmos different and as a thank you, we’re going to enter you into a draw for a brand new Apple Watch plus we’ve got some pretty cool 1Kosmos socks, so if you need some socks, swing by, we’d love to get you a new pair of socks. And then one of the activities at the EIC, which is short for the European Identity and Cloud conference is the passport. So if you are an attendee and you’ve got your passport, don’t forget to swing by. We’ll stamp that for you as well.
And aside from that on our website Huzefa, I’m pretty sure you’re aware, but for those of you that haven’t seen it, there’s a opportunity there to book a meeting with us ahead of time. So as we know, we get to conferences, calendars fill up. It gets a little bit crazy sometimes so if you want to plan your days a little bit more in advance, you’re more than welcome to go to our website, click on the EIC link, and there’s an option there where you can enter in your information and book a time to meet with either Huzefa or myself or both of us while you’re at the event. So it’s a great way to kind of plan for things ahead of time, or you can do it while you’re at the event as well. So looking forward to seeing everybody there.
Huzefa Olia:
Absolutely. Looking forward to seeing you next week. Looking forward to seeing our customers, and all the analysts as well.