Building a cryptocurrency portfolio is not something you do in 5 minutes. The rise of the cryptocurrency market and ICO’s, in general, has lured many investors into the idea of making big bucks as ...
The rise of Bitcoin and the blockchain industry has been accompanied by criticism, just like any other emerging tech sector. Such criticism was heard during the dawn of the internet, and despite it...
Bank of Central Banks Wants to Stop Creation of Crypto
Australia. Plenty of images come to mind when we think of the land down under. Sun-bleached surfers, wallabies, the Sydney Opera House. But, Australia, despite its modest population of 23 million, ...
5 Signs of Booming Blockchain Innovation in Australia
Anyone who has tried to use Facebook advertising is familiar with the many terms and regulations, from the copy to the visuals to the URL. So it was hardly surprising when Facebook drew another lin...
Facebook Lifts Ban on Cryptocurrency, But Still Blocks ICOs
Blockchain technology is often called the “Internet of value.” If so, it makes sense that the financial industry should be among the biggest to benefit from distributed ledgers. Digital Asset is a ...
What Is Digital Asset? Distributed Ledgers for Financial Institutions
There has been a lot of buzz surrounding cryptocurrency and blockchain mostly due to the potential high sums of money that can be made in the industry. Recently, though, a lot of that attention has...
Mastercard vs VISA : Blockchain Projects
Bitcoin Cash arose as an alternative to Bitcoin, and it’s currently between the third and second most valuable cryptocurrency in the world by market cap, after Bitcoin and Ethereum. The founders of...
What is Bitcoin Cash? BCH vs Bitcoin
The health care industry is experiencing tension for cost control and nature of administrations and services. As the business develops close by disruptive innovations. It turned out to be amazingly...
Blockchain In The Healthcare Industry
When you look up for scaling issue associated with Ethereum blockchain you will find number of holes in Ethereum’s jacket. A number of technical challenges related to the blockchain, whether a spec...
Scaling Ethereum to Billions of Users
The world has changed so are the ways of doing businesses. The super new innovation is block chain. The potential advantages of block chain have created enormous pursuit from many multi-national su...
Blockchain In The Travel Industry
While cryptocurrency has only recently become a popular term in finance, it has been around for a long time. Before names like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin even existed, there were attempts to c...
Bitcoin vs. Ethereum vs. Litecoin
While the cryptocurrency market can be a good way to make money, it is also a prime target market for scammers. In this article, we’ll look at some of the most common bitcoin schemes and how to pro...
Don’t Fall For These Cryptocurrency Scams
A standout amongst the most discussed themes in the banking industry today is blockchain in finance sector. On the off chance that completely received, it will empower banks to process payments all...
Blockchain In The Financial Sector (A Banking Use Case)
Food safety remains essential to everyone, and blockchain alleviates some of the dangers to the food safety supply chain. Diseased, contaminated, or spoiled food kills. Food goes bad with improper...
Food Safety and Blockchain: Keeping You Safe One Bite at a Time
Another important application developing as part of Blockchain 3.0 is blockchain governance; that is, the idea of using blockchain technology to provide services traditionally provided by nation-st...
Blockchain For Governments and the Public Sector
The hierarchical structure is the blueprint of an organization's system and rules for overseeing business tasks. Entrepreneurs are normally in charge of making their organizations' authoritative st...
What Are Decentralized Organizations?
Waves is a new blockchain platform founded by Russian physicist, Alexander Ivanov, and was developed and operated by Waves Platform AG. The unique feature the Waves platform offers is that it allow...
Waves Platform For Custom Token Creation
Before getting further into this current, we should endeavor to comprehend what decentralized and centralized/permissionless or permissioned blockchain are.
Permission less: Permissionless Block...
Permissioned vs Permissionless Ledgers
IPFS stands for Inter Planetary File System. Interplanetary File System is a protocol and network designed to create a content-addressable, peer-to-peer method of storing and sharing hypermedia in ...
What Is IPFS?
What happens if two miners find a block at almost the same point in time? PoW blockchains resolve such conflicts called blockchain fork and how attacks might utilize this resolution mechanism to perf...
What Are Blockchain Forks?
Introducing Kaleido, Amazon’s Foray into Blockchain
Amazon just made its entrance into the blockchain industry, and it’s opening the door with a platform that’s meant to make it easier for busin...
Amazon Web Services Launches Kaleido Blockchain Platform
The Bitcoin blockchain network is composed of nodes and nodes are basically computers connected to the internet, running the Bitcoin or other blockchain software. The Bitcoin network is a peer-to-p...
What Are Master Nodes?
Blockchain is a technology that enables movement of digital coins or cryptocurrency or digital assets from one individual to another and Cryptocurrencies are those assets which are transacted using...
Blockchain vs Cryptocurrencies
Blockchain, by design and definition, defines a particular type of database. It is constructed to read only once database. What that means is, they are designed to be only ever created, and n...