Explore the future of digital identity with Rohan Pinto, CTO of 1Kosmos, as he discusses his new book on decentralized identity. Learn about the evolution from traditional to decentralized systems,...
Traditional identity verification methods show their age, often proving susceptible to data breaches and inefficiencies. Blockchain emerges as a beacon of hope in this scenario, heral...
Blockchain Identity Management: A Complete Guide
Traditional identity verification methods show their age, often proving susceptible to data breaches and inefficiencies. Blockchain emerges as a beacon of hope in this scenario, heralding a new era...
Blockchain Identity Management: A Complete Guide
In the wake of the hack at MOVEit and far too many other organizations this year, the secure, user-controlled, privacy-preserving benefits of distributed ledger technology (DLT) make it a critical ...
The Immutable “Chain of Custody” – Why Distributed Ledger is Critical to Modern IAM
While Identity and Access Management (IAM) long ago gave IT teams tighter controls against unauthorized access to digital services, it hasn't exactly been bulletproof.
Yes, IAM consolidated the ...
Ditching the ‘Feds’: Why Decentralized Digital Identity is Key to Effective IAM
A Distributed Ledger stands at the forefront of modern database technology, a shared database spread across many sites, countries, or institutions. This innovative approach to data management recor...
Distributed Ledger: A Comprehensive Insight for Organizations
A new method for controlling and confirming digital identities is emerging: distributed digital identity (DDI). By removing the need for a single authoritative source, DDI empowers users to take ch...
Distributed Digital Identity: A Transformative Guide for Organizations
Symmetric encryption (or “private key” encryption) is the process of using a single key to both encrypt and decrypt data. It’s called “private key” because the use of a single encryption key necess...
What Is Symmetric Encryption, How Does It Work & Why Use It?
On February 8, Privacy by Design (PbD) officially became an international privacy standard—but the architecture you use to operationalize its principles may matter as much as the standard itself.
Architecture is Everything as ‘Privacy by Design’ Becomes an ISO Standard
What is Blockchain Verification & Validation?
Modern network infrastructure is turning towards decentralized models of record keeping. Authentication and identity management are no different.
What is Blockchain Verification & Validation?
Wondering about private vs. public blockchains? Do you need a permissioned blockchain, or is permissionless the way to go? We've covered everything you need to know.
What are the four types of b...
Private vs. Public Blockchain – Differences Explained
Is a decentralized web the way to go, and is it the future of the world wide web? Should your business be preparing for this transition to decentralization?
What does a decentralized internet me...
What Is the Decentralized Web (Web 3.0)?
Understanding the semantic web can be confusing, so we break it down to help guide you through its technologies, history, and importance to the future of the web.
Why is the semantic web importa...
What Is the Semantic Web? (Includes Examples)
With the web in a constant state of flux, it's important to differentiate between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 and prepare for the next web installation.
What is a Web 3.0 website? Web 3.0 is powered by ...
Web 2.0 vs. Web 3.0: Differences Defined
Permissionless and permissioned blockchains are being used every day, but how do you figure out which one you should use?
What does permissionless mean? Permissionless means that it does not req...
Permissionless vs. Permissioned Blockchains: Pros & Cons
1Kosmos CTO, Rohan Pinto, and CMO, Michael Cichon, discuss the 1Kosmos platform, identity proofing, the NIST guidelines, blockchain technology and more in this vlog.
Michael Cichon:
Hello, Roha...
Vlog: The 1Kosmos Platform with Rohan Pinto
“Arguments over the correct interpretation of an oracle were common, but the oracle was always happy to give another prophecy if more gold was provided.” Wow! Already in 1400 BC! So many civilizati...
The Blockchain Oracle Never Won the America’s Cup
By definition, Blockchain is about eliminating intermediaries by powering a peer-to-peer ecosystem, where data is validated by participants to the network, whoever and wherever they are. Blockchain...
Top 3 Advantages of Private Blockchain
Blockchain technology requires a significant volume of equipment to run adequately. It is indeed not farfetched to hear that hundreds if not thousands of computers are required to form a single Blo...
The Carbon Footprint of Blockchain
Let’s start with the truth: Blockchain is not for everybody. After all, “truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t goin’ away.” So why not speak about it from the very get...
Does Your Organization Need Blockchain?
The skeptics are taking over! Well, it certainly sounds like it when reading what the mainstream media have to say about Blockchain technology. Some do not hesitate to see it as the biggest hoax ev...
Where Lies the Future of Blockchain?
The Anatomy of The Chain (Pt. 4 of 4)
Congratulations on making it to the fourth and final leg of the journey we started in September. Given the magnitude of effect blockchain is having and will h...
CTO Insights (IDentifier February 2020)
Blockchain, as we all know, a decentralized, peer-to-peer system with no central authority managing data flow, and immutable database that not only records the financial transaction but also stores...
EU’s GDRP and its Effect on the Blockchain
Democratization and freedom-enhancing characteristics of the blockchain seen in many projects also apply in the case of consumer genomics , which is the concept of uplifting organizations to the bl...